Lepers: Proposal

Christine Leston cleston at direct.ca
Wed Jul 25 12:19:28 EDT 2001

MexicoDoug at aol.com wrote in message <94.16c15811.28808b95 at aol.com>...
>How 'bout some comments on the flooiwing ideas:
>Lepster odo bean Webster, defined as follows:
>Lepster: A butterfly and/or moth enthusiast, a simplified and arguably
>modernized form derived from "Lepidopterist" covering subscribers to the
>broad and popularly accepted professions and hobbies based on human
>interactions and/or study of the order Lepidoptera.


And Bugster, for those interested in bugs in general (suggested in "Bugs of
British Columbia".

C.M. Leston.

>Doug Dawn
>Monterrey, Mexico
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