An afterthought on Canada Thistle

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Wed Jul 11 14:38:41 EDT 2001

I don't want to be declared a Thistle-lover. I remember the horror on 
the face of one of our botanists when she spied a Purple Loosestrife 
growing by our pond. 

Also, I am involved in a campaign to control invasive exotics (or at 
least recognize their hazards and halt their horticultural sale).

However, in my experience over the past 15 years, Canada Thistle both in 
Somerset, NJ and in the Vischer Ferry area, DOES NOT BEHAVE like an 
invasive weed.  It's stands are small and transient.  They expand 
quickly and then contract. Sometimes they disappear completely. 

Of course since neither of these areas has NATURAL GRASSLANDS, it may 
not matter what Canada Thistle does. But it is an impressive nectar 
source and I lament the fact that the small stand in our yard is down to 
one flower.  

Michael Gochfeld


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