Jeff Glassberg radio interview

Robert Dana robert.dana at
Fri Jul 13 11:50:50 EDT 2001

Greetings all:

Mr. Glassberg has been a frequent topic of discussion on this list, so I thought it might be of interest to many to hear a radio interview with him that was broadcast yesterday on Minnesota Public Radio. No great revelations, but it is interesting to hear the promotional process at work. Butterflies are to be the "wildlife of the 21st Century", evidently because they don't need wilderness but can be observed right in your own back yard, they are not dangerous, and are beautiful. Just the perfect sort of wildlife for the global suburbia of the 21st Century!

To hear the interview, go to 

and look under the "Midmorning" heading for the link to "Hour 2: butterflies" It runs for a little bit over 50 min.


Robert Dana, Ph.D.
Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 297-2367
Email: robert.dana at


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