Serious first, fun second.
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Thu Jul 26 03:24:16 EDT 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: "Clay Taylor" <CTaylor at>
To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at>; "Leps-l"
<Leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: Serious first, fun second.
> Ron -
> This "Birder's" response;
> In the first place "Audubon" has been dead for over a century, and he
> all his IDs over the barrel of a shotgun.
> The American Birding Association sets ethical codes for behavior while in
> the field, but there are NO standards for field identification except
> set by local and state birding organizations, and in the case of first
> American sightings, the American Ornithological Union. There are plenty
> bogus bird sightings that get reported - some are honest mistakes, and
> others are the result of poor judgment. Many of the subsequent debates
> anything but gentle.
> If you think that the birding community universally uses the same ID
> standards, your ignorance of the birding world matches our ignorance of
> entomological world. I also reiterate my earlier comment that there are
> more than a few incorrectly identified pinned insect specimens as well as
> bird specimens in museums.
> Keep writing about skippers and your fieldwork - I learn a lot and don't
> have to get annoyed.
> Clay Taylor
> Moodus, CT
> ctaylor at
Fair enough and aptly said ;-) I shall go back under the porch where the
pups belong as I sure don't no nuttin bout no birdin.
PS I thought he was still alive. (It would be great if I could just
leave this one liner as is -- but someone would think I was serious. I know
he died last year.)
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