drying specimens in humid conditions

Who? Me? Sumairp at lycos.com
Sat Jul 21 17:47:04 EDT 2001

On 21 Jul 2001 14:19:13 GMT, kbliss0568 at aol.com (KBliss0568) wrote:

>up, the hotter it is).  Then, to keep ants away, I spray ant spray 
>around the bottom of the unit.  Perfect!  So far, not a problem at all.
>Downstairs, the ants have taken ten years off my life due to the trauma
>I've suffered through finding only the remains of once beautiful moths
>on my boards.

I've suffered this problem too. The only solution that I have found is
to use 1 pint motor oil bottles (plastic), cut in half. Place legs of
table/cabinet in each one and add 1/2 inch - 1 inch of motor oil.
The smell goes away after a month; the oil won't evaporate & NO ant
will try & cross the moat! 

Sorry about your Carpet. LOL



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