re, re,Yosemite

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Thu Jul 26 02:18:06 EDT 2001

In deference to Paul, he may be correct and my memory of 30 years ago off.
The limenitis flap and glide is the visual image I have. Of course this is
reinforced by eastern species I continue to see. So what do we have here?
Bob, Paul, Chuck, myself a group of individuals who each thinks they know
want they are talking about - and in reality are each qualified to "know".
All this actually proves in Chuck's point that the only sure way for
_everyone_ to know is to have either a voucher specimen or photograph.

I recently posted a record on the carolina leps site for a new North
Carolina state record of Erynnis lucilius. I would not accept this one by
the "word" of _anyone_ including myself. Which is why I 1) collected the
specimen,  2) examined the genitalia, 3) compared it to figures of spread
specimens in full view butterfly books, and 4) with reared individuals in
my collection from West Virginia (reared by Tom Allen).  Now, even with all
this, I want to go back and find some more to make 200% sure. (Of course in
Yosmite one can not collect without a permit - but pictures are an option.)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Cherubini" <monarch at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: Yosemite

> Bob Thomas wrote:
> > The underside of the Lorquin's Admiral is considerably different than
> > that of the California Sister.
> Agreed:
> > In addition to that, the behavior and flight characteristics of
> > the Lorquin's Admiral are easily distinguished.  The Admiral glides
> > with wings open more than 180 degrees - unusual for most
> > species and not at all like the Sister.
> I disagree. The California Sister glides in the B 52 bomber wing
> configuration too. This is why the Sister and Lorquin's are so difficult
> for me to tell apart when they are on the wing.
> Anyway, next time I'm in Yosemite I'll be extra careful not to assume
> what looks to be a Sister might actually be a Lorquin's.
> Paul Cherubini, Placerville, Calif.
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