
cmbb at cmbb at
Mon Jun 4 14:15:44 EDT 2001

Hi, I'm Martin Bailey - a new guy listening in, so I hope that I am not
speaking out of turn.

I have been told that noticeable numbers (30+ at a time)  of Vanessa
virginiensis have been sighted between the Cypress Hills and Medicine Hat,
Alberta recently.  I, living 200 miles east of the Hills on the Great
Plains, have seen none.

In my area, 50 miles north of the U.S./Canada border, waves of Variegated
Fritllaries (Euptoieta claudia) were to be enjoyed over the last two weeks.
However, that is coming to an end.  My most recent nettings have been of
badly worn specimens

Martin Bailey,

cmbb at
phone/fax   306 842-8936

102   1833 Coteau Avenue,
Weyburn, SK., Canada.
S4H 2X3


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