P. glaucus and P. canadensis
gwang at mb.sympatico.ca
Tue Jun 5 18:25:38 EDT 2001
Hi y'all
I was under the impression that a sure way to distinguish P. glaucus and
canadensis was that the yellow marginal spots on the underside of the
forwings of canadensis were fused into a continuous band while the same
spots on glaucus were just spots and not a continuous band. However,
under the species descriptions section at the Butterflies and Skippers
of North America website by P. Opler et al
(http://www.nearctica.com/butter/index.htm), they claim that the
continuous banding can be found in both species. Any thoughts? Any
other suggestions on distinguishing the two other than locality..etc?
P.S. They also claim that P. machaon now includes brevicauda. How and
when did this happen?
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