Red Admiral migration
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at
Thu Jun 7 23:11:54 EDT 2001
Rudy wrote:
Red Admirals still represent one of the largest groups of butterflies we
are seeing here in the Patapsco River watershed in Baltimore County.
But they have not started moving again like they were doing earlier
last month...for the moment anyway. They seem to have settled into the
main function of nectaring and egg-laying. Others in good numbers:
Papilio glaucus, Celastrina ladon neglecta, Colias eurytheme, and
Vanessa virginiensis.
I had written that most of the Red Admirals I had seen locally (central
NJ) were not migrating. Not so today and yesterday. No they are moving
steadily (albeit north in some places and northwest in others), at a
rate of about 1 every 2 min. Indeed, some fly low and rise over
obstructions, but I see others flying more than a hundred feet above the
ground. This is a clear departure from last week.
M. Gochfeld
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