New hairstreak taxon

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Jun 8 04:13:26 EDT 2001

When I announced the other day that June 5 was the official date of
publication of the new subspecies of Satyrium edwardsii I forgot to mention
that I gave it the name S. edwardsii meridionale.  I gave it the common
name of Sandhill Hairstreak. One important aspect of the research is that I
put forth evidence that the name edwardsii should be attributed to Scudder,
1870 and not Grote and Robinson or Saunders. (This was per ICZN articles
12.2.1, 12.3 and under nomen nudem in the code's glossary.)

It will be some time before the type photos are posted on the TILS web site
and the articles page one posted on the Taxonomic Report section. This is
because if we did so it would be unfair to the TTR subscribers. The 2001
subscription/membership is $45 for US and Canada and $55 non US.
Subscriptions can be submitted on line at our web site. Just type
"TILS-TTR" into your search engine we are 1st up on several search
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