vanessid samples?
Niklas Wahlberg
Niklas.Wahlberg at
Fri Jun 8 07:19:27 EDT 2001
Hi all,
With the extreme population explosion of vanessids in the US, I feel I
have to ask for some specimens for DNA analysis! I am at the moment working
on a molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Nymphalinae (which includes the
tribes Nymphalini, Melitaeini, Kallimini and possibly Coloburini). We
(Sören Nylin and I) are especially interested in figuring out the
Vanessa/Cynthia/Bassaris group. If anybody (with a net) could collect
samples of atalanta, cardui, virginiensis and/or annabella, dry them out
quickly and send them to me by mail, I would be very grateful! I need about
5 individuals per species.
Thanks very much!
Niklas Wahlberg
Department of Zoology
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 164047
Fax: +46 8 167715
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