Nectar and kingi

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Fri Jun 8 03:42:06 EDT 2001

Ok Ron. The question is now moot. Nick Grishin just retracted his 
preliminary identification. His specimen was a very variant *falacer*.
    By the way how many cryptic species do you think are hiding under the 
*calanus falacer* umbrella? Looks like a life's work for some masochist, if 
the habitat lasts that long.
................Chris Durden

At 05:54 PM 6/7/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Years ago I made the classic mistake of thinking Sweet Gum might be a host.
>They mistake was due to the simple fact that a butterfly has to have
>somewhere to sit (stand).  Kingi was found in large numbers by Steve Roman
>decades ago in Arkansas. I don't have a range map on Symplocos.  That is
>the only host I know of. It is interesting that this species seems to be
>close to liparops which has been found on Flame Azalea. It would not
>surprise me if kingi feeds on native Azaleas too. When I found the colony
>in Orangeburg Co. SC I looked around a good bit and saw no Symplocos. I
>will check in spring when it blooms and is east to spot through the
>"leafless" spring woods.


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