BIG moth trouble

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Tue Jun 12 00:22:09 EDT 2001

It's midnight. My wife is soundly asleep. In the morning I am going to be
in big trouble. As you may know, my cecropia larvae are making their
cocoons. Well, I moved them into a big cardboard box - open top - in the
kitchen. Sure, occasionally one wanders out, but they are slow and don't
get far and I get em back in. I have everything under control - really.
Hearing this odd noise a little bit ago I noted that my wife's prized
potted palm - which has a frond that just happens to hang down kinda close
to the cecropia box ---- OK, it touches the box. Hey, how was I to know one
would get on her plant and make its cocoon!!! Maybe if I turn it..... she
won't see it.... then. Oh, boy.  Hummm, no, I'm not going to look behind
the book shelf, I'm not going to look behind the book shelf, I'm not going
to look behind the book shelf, there are no more loose, there are no more
loose, there are no more loose, I am not going to die, I am not going to
die, I am not going to die, yes I am.  Honey, they're good for the plant.
No, she won't go for that either. It's midnight -- I have 7 more hours...


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