RF Pix - Migrating Ladies or?

Sunsol SUNSOL at prodigy.net
Tue Jun 12 17:06:16 EDT 2001

Randy Emmitt <birdcr at concentric.net> wrote in message
news: at pop3.concentric.net...
> Folks,
> I`d be happy to donate photos of Painted Ladies, but American Butterflies
> only wants slides, I see no reason in todays digital age that I should
> to risk sending a slide (valued at $1500 each) to be handled by at least
> three people for no compensation.

If you used regular film instead of slide film, you would get orginal
negatives to protect, and photos from which slides (copies) can be made. I
just take snapshots, so maybe I don't know what I am talking about, Maybe I
could learn something from you about this. I have to admit that sending
slides by snailmail seems like a lot more trouble than emailing an image.



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