caterpillar ID?

Randy Emmitt birdcr at
Tue Jun 12 20:23:02 EDT 2001


I`m trying to ID a orange caterpillar that`s been stripping my Dogbane, 
Apocynum cannabinum. Been seeing small whitish moths all over the dogbane.

Here`s a description of the cat:
About 5/8 inch long orange/brown, each segment has 2 sets of black spots 
with one small black hair in each black dot, dots are staggered on 
segments. The head is black with whitish black marbling before the head. 
The feet are translucent white with a single black dot at the base of the 
foot. The rear end looks to have false feet or slight horns. The cats seem 
to group up in a silk tent at the ends of the plants when young.

Thanks for your help!

Randy Emmitt
Durham, NC


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