False connection

Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Wed Jun 13 02:25:12 EDT 2001

Kenn Kaufman wrote:
> Within the last few days, Paul Cherubini has posted a
> couple of items implying that "collecting/pinning and
> breeding/releasing" (his terminology) are equivalent
> activities because both are under attack from NABA.
> This strikes me as a spurious line of reasoning at both
> ends.  I fail to see any similarity between collecting on
> one hand and commercial breeding of butterflies for
> release on the other.  

The similarity is that both activities are very popular 
ways the public enjoys butterflies. For example, the public
is enjoying releasing butterflies so much this year that almost
every breeder in the USA and Canada is sold out right now and 
has to turn down orders.

According to NABA's website http://www.naba.org/purpose.html
"NABA's mission is to increase public enjoyment
and conservation of butterflies"

In my recent posts I have pointed out that it is ironic that 
NABA discourages two very popular ways the public enjoys
butterflies: collecting/pinning and breeding/releasing. For 
example, in a previous post I wrote:

NABA's position on Collectors and Pinners: 

* Discourage the interest in collecting insects.

* Use this advocacy of no collecting to obtain state restrictions on
the activities of those who do not share the same view. 

NABA's postion on Breeders and Releasers:

*"Releasing commercially-raised butterflies into the environment is
an act of anti-environmental terror"

*"Please let the USDA and the Dept. of the Interior know that you
object to the  interstate shipment of commercially-raised
butterflies intended for release into the environment.
Here are some of the reasons you can provide to them why these
shipments and releases should not be provided:"

Since some collectors and pinners regard breeders and releasers as
"entomology's lowlifes", I can understand why they might be
uncomfortable with the implication that "collecting/pinning and 
breeding/releasing" are equivalent.

Paul Cherubini, Placerville, Calif.


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