Bend the Facts

Leptraps at Leptraps at
Wed Jun 13 07:19:17 EDT 2001

Paul Cherubini has a way of bending the facts to fit his agenda. He should be a politician. Clinton did it with sex, Bush will do it in the Alaska wilderness. 

I am personally offended by Mr. Cherubini's statments that collectings and releasing have anything in common. They do not. Knowledge is gained through collecting and preseving specimens by Lepidopterists. Only money is gained through releasing.

However, if you collect females for breeding, it is still only for money! 

I beleive that most ammtuer Lepidopterists are great conservationist. There are those in NABA who oppose collecting. There are those in various Lepidopterists Societies that are collectors, most however, are 
Lepidopterists. There is a big difference.


Leroy C. Koehn
202 Redding Road
Georgetown, KY
Tele.: 502-570-9123


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