Leps-l subscribers & spies

Anne Kilmer viceroy at anu.ie
Fri Jun 15 11:25:42 EDT 2001

Joel Lyons wrote:
> A thread regarding what is and what is not "American"
> would be an altogether exhausting exercise don't you
> think?
Some of us might not even *want* to be American. 
Many of the lurkers are actually gov'ment agents, Ron, how do you like
them apples? Occasionally someone from the Dept. of Agriculture leaps
in, like the Policemen in the Pirates of Penzance (Yes, we are here,
though hitherto concealed) when someone has rhetorically asked whether
there is no law, no decency, nobody in charge. 
There was one splendid occasion, on the entomo-list, when some nice
fellow had asked for help in the care and feeding of his son's pet
locusts. Desert locusts, they were ... 
And I chirped in, for Heaven's sake what are you doing with those, don't
let them get away!
At which point, a Very High Official proposed, at once, to send forth a
squad of enforcement officers to confiscate this horrendous pest. 
Turned out (oops) that the bugs were in England, well beyond his
As for whether Jeff reads all the drivel perpetrated on this august
list, let alone the good stuff, I doubt it. heck, I flush quite a bit of
it unread, myself. 
The editor of a magazine does not even read all the letters sent to his
magazine. Only so many hours in the day, you know. 
It's June, the butterflies are flying, and you guys are arguing about
whether Santa can really come to everybody's houses all at once. Go
outdoors and get muddy, for Heaven's sake. Who cares about Jeff. He has
already, and repeatedly, told us that he has no problem with collectors
(with the usual ukases). He has repeatedly explained why he has a
problem with rear and release of boughten butterflies. Why need we
pester him? 
(The sun is not out. It is too wet to play ... )
If the sun comes out I'm going out and look for Speckled Woods. They're
flying now, in England. 
Anne Kilmer
Mayo, Ireland


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