spy vs spy

Bill Cornelius billcor at mail.mcn.org
Sat Jun 16 00:50:04 EDT 2001

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I'm not a spy, but of course any spy would say that.
I'm not George W Bush, but he'd never admit it, & he was head of the CIA
I can give references to prove my charactor, ask anyone.
So since I'm a solid citizen, on the proper side of the law, I can say
with confidence, that :
someday you'll all be sorry when my little friends finish giving me the
plans for the intra-dementional portal.


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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I'm not a spy, but of course any spy would say that.
<br>I'm not George W Bush, but he'd never admit it, &amp; he was head of
the CIA besides.
<br>I can give references to <u>prove</u> my charactor, ask anyone.
<br>So since I'm a solid citizen, on the proper side of the law, I can
say with confidence, that :
<br>someday you'll all be sorry when my little friends finish giving me
the plans for the intra-dementional portal.



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