pocket nets
jhimmel at connix.com
Fri Jun 15 23:03:13 EDT 2001
I was out lepping and dragonflying with a couple friends when we spotted a
dragonfly sitting about 15 feet up in a tree. The binocs just weren't
cutting it and we needed a closer look. Two of us had pocket nets with
extension poles. Neither net would reach. My friend took his apart, handed
me the poles and I added them to mine. Caught the dragonfly! Score one for
the plus side of this tool.
John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at connix.com
Visit my websites at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Soukup <mikayak at mdo.net>
To: MWalker at gensym.com <MWalker at gensym.com>
Cc: leps <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: pocket nets
>I take a pocket net everywhere. Funny thing is, when I'm out in the field
>butterflies, I usually end up using the pocket net over any of my others.
>lightning-quick reflexes aren't slowed down by the drag of a big net!!
>Mark Walker wrote:
>> John Shuey wrote about the usefulness of the pocket net for traveling.
>> I first moved to Vermont back in 1996, I broke down and bought one -
>> complete with several extensions - but it was immediately lost when all
>> my luggage was stolen on my way to the airport. I never got to swing it
>> even once.
>> Since then, I've been traveling all over the world - and carrying my
>> wooden pole handle everywhere I go. It doesn't extend, nor does it
>> collapse. One flight attendant tried to refuse my bringing it onboard
>> thought I might use it to clobber someone), but I insisted that I would
>> lost without it (no, I didn't pretend to be blind). It becomes a serious
>> bother when I have to run to make connections. It's also a problem when
>> overhead bin space is limited (which it always is, these days).
>> All sorts of people give me a good staring, as I run about the airport
>> through the rental car agencies, as the stick isn't large enough to
>> as a cane or a weapon. Some actually ask the begged for question - "what
>> are you going to do with that?".
>> "Kill bugs", I don't reply (well - sometimes I do).
>> Perhaps you've seen me at the airport? Look for a guy carrying a black
>> laptop bag, dragging an overnight bag, and walking clumsily with a
>> protruding wooden stick in hopes that I don't poke someone's eye out.
>> and I'll likely be wearing hiking shorts, a dirty T-shirt, and heavy
>> boots with thick wool socks. You might also see me picking the burrs and
>> ticks out of the socks while waiting to board (occasionally, I'll be
>> to travel in my engineering attire - which makes the stick look even more
>> peculiar).
>> I suppose I should break down and purchase another travel net. It would
>> greatly simplify my already complicated business travel (and please don't
>> suggest that I "leave it at home and forget the bugs" - as my wife so
>> frequently suggests - ha! I'm so sure).
>> Mark Walker.
>> >
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