Captain Video

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Thu Jun 21 22:56:23 EDT 2001

Captain Video, Fred, wow, I'm impressed. Extra credit just for 
remembering that far back. 

How about Sergeant Preston?

Anyway, Paul will be relieved that only about 60% of the houses on our 
block appeared to participate in the blackout. 

I got a lot done. I could have cheated and worked on the laptop, but 
since that took electricity to charge, it didn't seem fair somehow. But 
I did attack large quantities of multiflora rose, cleaning out part of 
the butterfly garden that had gone "bush" as they say in New Zealand. 

Why is it that many plants in the Rosaceae are hosts for butterfly 
larvae but very few have flowers that attract nectaring butterflies. 
Bees yes. 

Mike Gochfeld


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