the doldrums

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Mon Jun 25 14:18:24 EDT 2001

Ron Gatrelle wrote:

> The problem with this "guideline" is found in the words/terms  "A count",
> "centered", "THE count".  This is still a mono _early July_ annual
> activity. There needs to be bi-annual counts in spring and fall. They need
> to be called the "Spring Count" and the "Fall Count". But this would screw
> up the entire public connectivity of this - we all go out about the same
> time and generate this huge report we can all read about the same time.
> Spring in Florida is February (except in the Keys when it is the end of May
> due to the rainy season that brings stuff out), in the North Carolina
> mountains it is April. Rather than editorializing I will just say this.
> What is it that is want to be done?  All get together and have a fun time?
> Or, conduct meaningful, scientifically oriented species surveys? If it is
> the latter then it will be more work than fun and totally uncoordinatable
> in calendar time. If the former, then the long weekend of the 4th is a good
> as  any for a get together for a hike to count the Buckeyes, Cabbage Whites
> and pretty swallowtails.

Ron -
A Spring count and a Fall count is a good idea.  Perhaps hopefully this
will evolve into that.  It is hard to change a tradition that has gone
on for 30 years but this  does not mean it should not be done.
Christmas Bird counts are held around Christmas because at that time
wintering birds are usually in place.  There are also breeding bird
surveys, migration day surveys and all kinds of stuff.  Some of it
yields valuable information.  Some of it yields less information but is
just fun - ie. folks enjoy doing it.

	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                   Send Mailto:hankb at
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

         "Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide" 
    by Bob Stewart, Priscilla and Hank Brodkin - due September 2001


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