Satyrium edwardsii update

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Jun 25 15:40:07 EDT 2001

Today I received a surprise but most welcome package from an old collector
buddy containing a series of North Carolina Satyrium edwardsii. The
individual subscribes to TTR and though I would like to see these having
just received my paper describing S. e. meridionale from South Carolina. He
was right.

Aiken County, SC lies next to Georgia. This county is the meridionale type
locality. I had thought that the populations in Cumberland and Hoke
counties NC - also being in the upper coastal plain might be this new
subspecies or near it. I was wrong. Based on those sent me, meridionale
does not occur in North Carolina. So it is even more of a southern endemic
than I had thought. Upper-southeast Georgia is a historically seldom
collected area. Meridionale should be looked for in that part of the state
in particular.  True to the title of my article, meridionale is an
"obscure" subspecies. I am happy to receive southern specimens from anyone
else who may have a question about southern edwardsii in their area.

The specimens were from Fort Bragg (the individual is retired military) in
Cumberland County (14 June 1984), a rural area of Hoke County (17 June
1972), and from the mountains in Transylvania County (4 July 1970). For
more info visit



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