Butterflies and Weather

Clay Taylor CTaylor at swarovskioptik.com
Sat Jun 30 22:26:44 EDT 2001

Marilyn -

    Don't overlook another factor - are you more aware of butterflies than
in years past?  Since I started trying to learn dragonflies, I am seeing
many new ode species in all my familiar haunts.  This process first happened
when I became a birder in the 70's, and repeated itself in the 90's when
butterflies came to the forefront.

    In the East, we have had pretty favorable weather for leps, so the year
seems to be above average and slightly ahead of schedule (with the exception
of Monarchs - they are few and far between).

Clay Taylor
Moodus, CT
ctaylor at worldnet.att.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marilyn" <marilynp at nctc.net>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 2:17 PM
Subject: Butterflies and Weather

> In my area (central USA)there seem to be many more butterflies this
> year than in some years past.  I am wondering what the cause may be?
> 1.  Weather significance
> 2.  Environmental significance
> Thanks,
> Marilyn
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