Satyrodes continued

John Calhoun bretcal at
Sat Mar 10 11:22:05 EST 2001

OK, I suppose I may have overreacted to Ron's comments.  I was defensive
an attitude I perceived as offensive.  I greatly appreciate Ron’s
response.  I agree that such conversations should take place behind the
scenes, but his initial comments did not.  By responding the way I did,
I effectively produced the very things I hate most about listserver
postings--politics and hurt feelings.  Although I value Ron's
clarification, I can’t agree with two aspects of his response.

First, I was not trying to build myself up by cutting Ron down.   I
certainly did not
want Ron to become the "black backdrop upon which I would paint my own
nobility and martyrdom." I'm not even sure what that means.  I was
simply responding to
comments I found inappropriate.  As Ron mentioned, he and I have been
down this
difficult road before.  I was reacting to the past as much as the

Second, I have never, nor would I ever, become hostile to any research
out of envy.  Ron concluded that I had responded harshly to his paper on
Megathymus cofaqui
because I intended to publish on the subject.  In fact, I personally
find Megathymus
of little interest.  After the publication of this paper, I wrote to Ron
about some elements of his paper that I believed to be misconceptions
and inaccuracies as they applied to Florida.  Subsequently, we further
discussed the issue.  Disagreement is OK and usually leads to healthy
dialog and continuing research.  As Ron mentioned, I found his paper on
P. troilus to be right on target.  I also believe his observations can
be quite intuitive.

Finally, although Ron did not mention this in his response, I sent him a
personal email message immediately after my post.  I wanted to tell him
why I responded the way I
had.  Ron, I note that you now sign your postings “UNSUBCRIBED.”  I hope
that is not a permanent decision.

Leroy certainly put it best when he observed that “lepidopterists are a
temperamental bunch!”  Amen.

John Calhoun


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