Where in South Florida?

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Sun Mar 18 23:18:26 EST 2001

Just before you come to Key West there is a little key called Stock Island.
Heading south, there is a golf course on the right side of the road. There
have been some very nice species frequently encountered in and around this
golf course on the flowering plants there. If you collect skippers the salt
marshes offer some good ones plus the little  blues. Big pine key has some
available spots but stay out of the Key Deer Refuge. You might find some
good moths at the north end of Key Largo where some street lights shine on
the pavement (only lights in part of that area) - but keep away from the
wildlife refuge there too. I have found some interesting moths at the all
night 7/11stores, motel signs, etc. The Keys are a difficult place to
collect if you have never been there before. I haven't been there for many
years - so the "spots" are undoubtedly even more obscure. Let us know what
you find.


PS. Be careful about taking Conch shells. There are a lot of protected
wildlife in the keys and I know of one tourist who got in a lot of trouble
for having just "picked up" the wrong shell because it was of a protected
species. They couldn't prove it was dead when they found it and were fined.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric or Pat Metzler" <spruance at infinet.com>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: Where in South Florida?

> When you are in the Keys, make sure you do not collect on any public
> property without a permit.  It is best to collect only on private
> It is also good, although not required, to try and get permission from
> private property owner.
> If you collect on any public property without a permit, you could face
> problems with law enforcement personnel.
> I hope you have a good trip to Florida. Good luck with the moths.
> Cheers from Columbus Ohio where the sun was shining today after it snowed
> yesterday on St. Patrick's Day.
> Eric Metzler
> "Hannu Saarenmaa" <hannu.saarenmaa at swipnet.se> wrote in message
> news:3AB3ED26.560E42D8 at swipnet.se...
> > Greetings
> >
> > I am a lepidopterologist from Scandinavia visiting South Florida next
> > week.  I would appreciate suggestions where to stay (especially in
> > Keys), so that I could get my moth light out at night in some natural
> > habitat.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Hannu Saarenmaa
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