Classifieds and Scandal

priamus at priamus at
Mon Mar 19 19:45:37 EST 2001

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 22:56:54 GMT, D Marven <marven at> wrote:

>Hi Guys
>        One thing with this site is the acceptance of people buying and
>selling insects.
Yes, there's rather a lot of it going around, isn't there?
>I can accept the collecting for museums and for professional purposes,
>but what i can't accept is the buying and selling for profit.
Better get used to it. It's going to be around for a long, long time.
>Who keeps track of what can and can't be collected in the world, what
>governing bodies are there. Please do not say governments
Governments ! It just had to be said. LOL 
>Who decides when a species is so low that all collecting should cease.
Do a search for 'CITES".
Do a search for every country's Conservation Agency & read
their charters and laws.
>Who takes any notice anyway.
In the land of Oz, you'll be fined, jailed or both if you don't.
>What happens to all the species reared to sell that don't sell is it
>like the puppy and kitten trade, if they don't sell drown them.
You're too late, most have already been killed & dried in preparation
for sale.
>Will the insect trade end up like the slave or ivory trade.
I'm not sure. How & when did they end? Try reading the UN's latest
report on both.
>Lets put an end to this senseless trade for self gratification.
>Trolling in Duncan

I find your post rather inaccurate & somewhat inflammatory. I suggest
you do some research & homework on the subject.

Chris Hocking


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