Leps-list server chopped off bottom of my post
Paul Cherubini
monarch at saber.net
Wed Mar 21 19:28:26 EST 2001
Here is the rest of my post which I hope goes through:
>(report by Homero Aridjis, President, Grupo de los Cien)
> March 10, 2001
>Evidence is piling up that an intentional application of pesticides caused
>the death of millions of monarch butterflies in the Cerro San Andres
>sanctuary in Michoacan state recently.
>Loggers have been cutting heavily in the San Andres area, trying to get out
>as much wood as they can before the sanctuary becomes an officially
>protected area.
>We believe that loggers sprayed pesticides, possibly DDT, on the trunks and
>branches of oyamel trees, killing all of the Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) in
>the colony.
>What was a sanctuary a short time ago is now a cemetery of dead butterflies
>and tree trunks. Loggers have been carrying away bags and bags of dead
>butterflies and now very few remain as evidence that there were millions of
>them in the forest.
>One witness, who cannot be identified because loggers have threatened him,
>said he saw the trees full of butterflies days before the massacre, but on
>February 5 he heard that "something was going on in the butterfly
>sanctuary, and that a huge number of the insects were dead." Police were
>ordered to investigate and they reported a smell of illegal pesticide DDT
>but found no container.
>The loggers cut at night, from 2-6
>in the morning. They disappear in the day time. They do everything in the
>wee hours. They have special trucks to operate at night.
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