Emily Dickinson

D. L. Robinson kalos5 at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 22 03:08:51 EST 2001


I think this is what you are looking for.  All the credit goes
to my friend Techno Donna the Texas Techie for finding


Martha W. Robinson

----- Original Message -----
From: Ernest Mengersen <emengersen at admin.oldscollege.ab.ca>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 7:58 PM
Subject: Emily Dickinson

Can any of you butterfly lovers out there help me.  About a year ago I
received an email and URL that contained a poem by Emily Dickinson (I am
sure it was her), had a beautiful picture of an orchid, music and best of
all, a flotilla of butterflies that moved across the screen as one moved the
cursor.  The whole thing was pink.  A neat artistic demonstration.

Can anyone provide me with the URL for the site or is it gone?  I had it on
my old computer but I picked up a worm from thripsnet and our computer
department had to completely clean my machine and so everything was lost.  I
would greatly appreciate if anyone still has the thing around or knows its
whereabouts.  If you do.  Please share it with everyone.


Ernest Mengersen
Instructor, Entomology
Olds College
4500 - 50th Street
Olds,  Alberta, Canada  T4H 1R6


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