field report (from a conservationist)

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Mar 23 02:45:53 EST 2001

The nice weather of a week ago vanished and in its place we received windy,
chilly and rainy weather. The last couple of days we got some heavy cold
rain. The sun came out today and it warmed up to 70 ish.  I got out for
about two hours - Edisto Island area - from 2 - 4 pm. I found absolutely
nothing other than one P. rapae. I have often wondered if anyone has ever
done a study of the degree of negative impact thunderstorms and heavy rain
have on Leps.

I once was in the Augusta, Georgia (US) area to do some survey work for US
Fish and Wildlife. The two days before my visit the area had had severe
weather. That day I noted two things. First, virtually all the butterflies
and skippers I observed were so fresh as to give the impression that they
had emerged earlier that day. ( I didn't get to the site till about noon.)
Second, I found about 8 - 10 dead butterflies mostly Eurema nicippe and
lisa on the muddy roads.

I got 3 hours sleep yesterday and if I can get 3 or 4 more tonight I plan
to head to Georgia tomorrow - no luck with lygdamus yet.   RG


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