for wanda dameron with apologies to the list

John Shuey jshuey at
Fri Mar 23 16:59:08 EST 2001

(wanda - your server thinks I'm spamming you and rejects my mail - so
here's the reply I sent out)


Sorry about the delay - I've been out of the office almost constantly,

The only one I know off the top of my head is Ortilia - which is a
crescent.  I've been continuing to chip away at Belize, but my last two
trips did
not allow time for collecting - pure meetings and that was all.  Looks
Like I'll
be in the Bay of Honduras region of Guatemala in a couple of months -
but again
probably won't have any time to collect.   I've slow to get descriptions
of new
species together, but definitely have a few skippers and 1-2

Sorry I could be more help.


John Shuey
Director of Conservation Science
Indiana Office of The Nature Conservancy

phone:  317-923-7547
fax:  317-923-7582
email:  Jshuey at
Dear John,
>         Hope all is going well for you.  Have thought many times of
the great
> trip with you to Belize, especially whenever seeing your thoughtful &
> informative postings to the lepline.  Have you since found new bugs?
> We have done several trips to Mexico, mostly to states on both coasts
> and gotten a couple of new ones not yet described, but mostly state
> records.  Hope to eventually get further south and wouldn't mind going

> back to Belize. Incredible fun!!!
>         In updating the common & scientific names of your list, came
across 4
> names in the Nymphalid grouping whose genus I am not familiar and
> wondering if you can help me out by placing them in their appropriate
> common grouping?
>         Eubagis postuerta
>         Ortilia ortilia
>         Peridromia arethusa
>         Timetes peleus
>         Since the first came just after the greenwings, wondered if by
> chance it could also be Dynamine postverta???   The others were after
> Beauties; all have unique names, that could possibly be w/the
> Satyrs....
> Possible groupings:  Actinotes, Admirals, Agrias, Anglewings, Banners,

> Beauties, Bluewings, Buckeyes, Checkerspots, Clearwings, Crackers,
> Crescents, Daggerwings, Eighty-eights, Emperors, Fritillaries,
> Greenwings, Ladies, Leafwings, Longwings, Mapwings, Mimics, Monarchs,
> Morphos, Owls, Patches, Peacocks, Purplewings, Satyrs, Sisters,
> Tigers.
>         Thanks you for any help you can provide.   Will send you
copies of my
> list upon completion for whatever use they may be to you.   There were

> numerous name changes, especially common, that came from our
> work on the failed No. Mex. Fieldguide.
>                                         As always, best wishes,
>                                                 Wanda
> PS
> Referred  Mike O'Brian from Cape May, N.J. to you as he is planning to

> lead a birding and bfing trip to Belieze.   Hope you don't mind.
> --
> Wanda Dameron
> Flutterby Press
> AssocTropicalLep, LepSoc, LA-NABA, Lorquin, Xerces
> 23424 Jonathan St., Los Angeles, Ca. 91304
> 818-340-0365     be496 at


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