Butterfly Trips/Classes -- 3/24/01

Dameron, Wanda be496 at lafn.org
Sat Mar 24 17:44:55 EST 2001


  April 3-9   Birds & BF of E. Mexico w/Jim Brock, Michael DelSantro -
                  Vamanos - soldout
  April 12-19  Birds & Butterflies of Texas (Edwards Plateau & So.Tx)
                  w/Bob Stewart
  April 23-May 2  Birds & Butterflies of Arizona w/Bob Stewart
  May 20-23  Butterflies, birds, plants of No. Cascades, Wash.
                  w/Robert M. Pyle, others   -NCI
  May - So. Florida & Keys - Alana Edwards - BTB Tours
  June 9-10, 2001, Spring Butterflies of the Rockies w/Paul Opler &
                  Evi Buckner-RMNP
  June 25-29 Butterflies of the Sierra Nevada w/Paul Opler & Evi
                   Buckner  -   SFSU
  June 28-July 1 - Birds & Butterflies, Sagebrush to Snow, Wash. -  NCI
  July - BF of Sierra Nevadas w/Jim Brock - BTB Tours
  July 1-8 - Birds & BFs of Corsica - David Fisher & Richard Lewington -
  July 9-10 Alpine Butterflies of the Rockies w/Paul Opler - RMNP
  July 20-22 - BF of So. Cascades, Wash. W/Dr. Robert M. Pyle - NCI
  August 4-5 -Grand Teton BF & Moths w/Paul Opler, Evi Buckner - GT
  August 5-15 - Birds & BF of S.E. Arizona w/Bob Stewart
  August 11-18 - Birds & BF of SE Arizona w/Rich Hoyer, Jim Brock -
  August 13-16 - BF of the Rockies w/Paul Opler, Evi Buckner -RMNP
  Sept 28-Oct. 6  Birds & BF of Northeast Mexico w/Rich Hoyer &
                  Jim Brock - Wings
  October - Rio Grand Valley w/Jeff Glassberg  - BTB Tours
  October - Northern Mexico  w/Jeff Glassberg - BTB Tours
  Oct. 8-18 - Hawk Migration, Birds, Butterflies & Plants of Eastern
                  Mexico w/Bob Stewart
  Fall - Hawk migration, Birds & BF of Veracruz w/Pat Sutton - Cape May
  Fall - Hawk migration, Birds, BF, Natural History of Veracruz w/Jim
          Royer Kern Nature Preserve & Pronatura ?
  Jan 19-27,02  - So. Florida Birds & BF - Louise Zemaitis & Michael
 	O'Brian -  Wings

W'02? - Belize Birds & BF -w/Michael O'Brian & Louise Zemaitis - Wings

Bob Stewart Natural History Outings  520-394-9073
BTB Tours (BF thru Binoculars)  973-285-0890
Cape May Observatory, N.J.  POBox 3, Cape May Point, NJ 08212
GT (Grand Tetons)   http://www.tetonscience.org/nonflash.html
Jim Royer - Kern River Preserve/Pronatura?   his ofs 805-541-6850
NCI  -  Northern Cascades Intitute   http://www.ncascades.org
Opler:  http://www.webaccess.net/~paulevi
RMNP - Rocky Mt. N.P. Nature Assoc. 970-586-0108
SFSU:(San Francisco State Univ.)-http://thecity.sfsu.edu/snfc/index.htm
Vamanos Nature
  compiled by:
Wanda Dameron
Flutterby Press
AssocTropicalLep, LepSoc, LA-NABA, Lorquin, Xerces
23424 Jonathan St., Los Angeles, Ca. 91304
818-340-0365     be496 at lafn.org


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