
Chris J. Durden drdn at
Sun Mar 25 19:16:13 EST 2001

What about the interpretation of  the thickened crossvein at cell end in 
some males that may act as a castanet? I cannot add to this because 
although I have seen and caught hundreds of crackers I have never been 
there when one has cracked. Maybe nobody has studied this yet, let alone 
film-recorded it in progress? We have all heard the tale that they crack. 
How many have actually observed this for themselves and which species?
............Chris Durden

At 04:49 PM 3/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>LOL! well Mary Beth maybe others from the SW or central america can 
>provide more info, but in the interests of keeping you from "cracking" 
>yourself, hope this helps!
>all best


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