Pierre A Plauzoles sphinxangelorum at
Thu May 10 03:43:25 EDT 2001

"Chris J. Durden" wrote:

> Ah! But it does seem relevant to the subject of Lep habitat conservation.
> ............Chris Durden
> At 04:38 PM 5/8/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> >I have just learned others were offended (personal email) by my message,
> >i.e., it was not relevant to leps.  My deepest apologies to anyone who
> >took offense to it.  It was just a spur of the moment response on my
> >part since I was in the audience that witnessed the ASU demonstration.
> >This was a stimulating experience I had never experienced that I wanted
> >to share with others.  It seemed appropriate as a response to Mike
> >Quinn's post.  Again, please accept my deepest apologies for posting
> >something that is not relevant to leps.

Personally, even though I am a Republican, I am deeply offended too.  I am
offended that the person who was elected on my party's ticket doesn't think
enough about the air he (like everyone else on this planet) has to breathe,
or about the other species of living beings (including insects) which, like
him, call this planet treat it with the respect it needs.  On the
other hand, I do happen to think that my fellow human beings also deserve
more respect than the Clinton/Gore gang afford them.  Why am I so openly
anti-abortion?  To what species does the DNA in a baby's body belong?  Is it
any less human before birth than after?  I happen not to think so.  If you
think differently, so be it.  I just happen to put my priorities in the order
in which I think they belong.  It is now up to the American people to make it
so politically dangerous for George W Bush and his chosen staffmembers to
oppose preserving the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (and other locales of
environmental concern that they will save them instead of destroying them.
Given the choice between saving a critical wildlife refuge, such as the
Arctic,  and political suicide, I think he will not choose the latter.
Besides, from what I have heard and read, their is oinly a few days or maybe
weeks' worth of oil under the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge anyway.  We
could well end up almost using more to get into the Refuge and doing the
exploratory work than we would get out of it to use in our vehicles.


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