Red Admirals - USGS Map - South Carolina

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sun May 27 23:40:13 EDT 2001

Nearly all the records on the SC site are mine, especially my published
skipper records. I had also published a paper on the butterflies of the
southern coastal area but evidently this was not consulted. There are also
a lot of SC records from the Lep. Soc. season summary that have never been
added. There are also a couple of big errors on SC - most notably the
record of Chlosyne harrisi. That one is absolutely false - yet is it
colored "confirmed". The USGS project is an enormous undertaking and as can
be seen some areas of the US are still virtually virgin territory when it
comes to knowing what leps are there. Looking at the SC map may help folks
understand why I am publishing so much taxonomic info from this area. Also
remember that a great many of the eastern US butterflies were described
from neighboring Burke and Screven counties GA - areas that have had
virtually no collecting there since the time of John Abbot.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rudy Benavides" <rbenavid at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: Red Admirals - USGS Map - South Carolina

> Paul Cherubini wrote:
> >There are no confirmed records of Painted Ladies, American Ladies or
> > >Monarchs
> >in South Carolina either:
> Hi Paul
> That's pretty amazing.  Any idea how the confirmation process works?
> Rudy
> Maryland
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