Now only 3 (Monarch larvae)

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Thu Nov 1 02:07:13 EST 2001

Thanks Paul. 

That certainly was some interesting data I had been looking for those tables. I
am sure Lincoln Brower is proud of you. :)

Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Pinellas Park, FL
12 species flying today. 

--- Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote:
> Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> > Last post I noted how we got an A. tuberosa to still be fully leafed this
> > time of year.  This leads me to this question.  Do southward moving
> > Monarch's not oviposit simply because the suitable hosts are dried up.  If
> > green plants are found will they oviposit even though in the migration
> > mode???
> Ron, the reproductive state of fall migrant monarchs is not black
> and white.  While a majority of Sept/Oct. fall migrants are in reproductive 
> diapause and will ignore suitable milkweed plants they encounter en route to 
> Mexico, a small percentage of the migrants breaks diapause 
> and will lays eggs on any available milkweed. Thus it is
> common to find monarch eggs and caterpillars in the southern states
> in September, October and November.   
> How small a percentage of the migratory population breaks diapause? 
> Well even if it is only 2% out of a population of 100,000,000 butterflies, 
> 2,000,000 reproductive butterflies is ALOT of reproductive butterflies.
> Some fall migrants also break diapause deep down in Mexico
> and lay eggs on the milkweeds growing in the vicinity of the Mexican
> overwintering sites. 
> Still another angle on all this is that Mexico is not the sole destination
> of fall migrants. Some move down through Florida and even end
> up in the Bahamas and Caribbean.
> Paul Cherubini
> Placerville, Calif.
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Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
rjparcelles at
 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
                       --William Shakespeare

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