Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Fri Nov 2 11:44:49 EST 2001

Reference Figure 6 on Plate 44, Howe (1975- Butterflies of North America).
Would anyone comment on my assertion that the male specimen illustrated from
Rantoul Kansas, is P. cocyta or a hybrid specimen between cocyta and tharos,
but not pure tharos. The female (Figure 8) is more difficult.

In eastern Massachusetts (and into southern Maine, at least) the two
definitely occur and appear to be quite distinct. Does anyone know anything
about the "second" tharos species that is discussed in "The Butterflies of
Canada" under tharos? There are also Phyciodes specimens that I have
collected in eastern MA and elsewhere in New England that do not entirely
fit either species description.

Alex Grkovich, P.E.
TMP Consulting Engineers, Inc.
52 Temple Place
Boston, MA 02111
617.357.6060 X329
617.357.5188 FAX
agrkovich at


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