White Mtn Arctic and Fritillary
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
Norbert.Kondla at gems3.gov.bc.ca
Fri Nov 2 14:58:55 EST 2001
Actually there is no oops :-) It depends entirely on one's taxonomic
interpretation. If memory serves, the recent butts through binocs, west,
treats this as the species B. montinus so the stuff from the type locality
would be B. montinus montinus at the subspecies level. So there are no old
or new 'names' from that perspective; just different interpretations. Once
one has made the taxonmic judgement, then it is the ICZN code that dictates
the correct scientific name. After looking into this group last winter I
concluded that I do not accept titania or chariclea as being present in
North America.
-----Original Message-----
From: KMcFarland at vinsweb.org [mailto:KMcFarland at vinsweb.org]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 11:43 AM
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
Subject: White Mtn Arctic and Fritillary
Leps-l ers-
Oops! The old latin was White Mountain Fritillary (Boloria titania montinus)
. It is now Boloria chariclea montina. Sorry.
Leps-l ers-
I am completing an assessment of White Mountain Arctic (Oeneis melissa
semidea) and White Mountain Fritillary (Boloria titania montinus) for the
White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire, USA. Information gathered
from published literature, unpublished reports, personal knowledge and field
notes of experts, regional collections (both university and private), and
field work in July-Aug 2002 will be used. I also will be starting a
long-term monitoring project for these two.
There is frightfully little published on these two populations. So what I am
looking for is any personal notes, flight times, collection or sighting
locations...whatever folks can dredge from old field notebooks, collections
and memory would be great. Anyone have something to contribute? ALL WILL BE
Thanks in advance for any help.
Kent P. McFarland
Conservation Biology Department
Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS)
27023 Church Hill Road
Woodstock, VT 05091
phone 802-457-2779 x124 voice mail
fax 802-457-1053
e-mail KMcFarland at VINSweb.org
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