Tale of Two Continents --

John R. Grehan jrg13 at psu.edu
Wed Nov 7 12:00:44 EST 2001

>   I consider many of the
>lepidopteron "species" to be creative variations of the same organism - at
>least from God's definition of species - and are the amazing result of a
>divinely crafted palette of options defined by random and relatively slight
>environmental permutations.
>Mark Walker

Perhaps Mark could quote the definition itself and also mention which god 
is being referred to here. It would also be interesting (at least to me) to 
know if any other gods also provided definitions for species.

I would also be interested to have clarified how something divinely crafted 
can be "defined" by random permutations. I can't follow the logic here.

John Grehan


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