Fla. Trip next week?

Randy Emmitt birdcr at concentric.net
Wed Nov 7 18:29:02 EST 2001


I`m planning on a venture into Fla. next week to photograph butterflies, 
birds and dragonflies. I`d like help on good places for butterflies of the 
deep south. My goals would be Southern Dogface , other southern sulphurs, 
whites, blues and hairstreaks mostly ones we usually don`t have here in 
North Carolina. Granted this time of year I`ve probably missed most of the 
good hairstreaks.

I plan on a 2+ day stop in Ocala NF to run Juniper and Alexander Springs 
and either head south from there or west towards St Marks NWR. In all I 
have about 8 days to poke around and burn some film.

Any input is welcome :-)

Randy Emmitt

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Randy Emmitt Photography
Carolina Butterfly Society webmaster


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