Southern Arizona Field Report

BMW60 bmw60 at
Fri Nov 9 19:44:23 EST 2001

Howdy folks.  I was informed that Bob Stewart, Hank and Priscilla Brodkins new
book, Butterflies of Arizona, A Photographic Guide was available now and may be
had at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.  Perfect, a nice motorcycle ride,  two
hours early for work sounded like just the ticket.  Heck, its only 80 degrees
and sunny, and a ride through the Saguaro National Park cant be beat.  So, off
I went, thinking I would go in, get the book and then have a nice stroll and
see all the cool desert critters.  Well, I got the book and it is fantastic. 
Everything an Arizona collector could ever ask for.  As far as seeing all the
critters, well, I got as far as the butterfly garden and didnt go another step.
 Wow, what terrific sight, butterflies all over the place, and in Mid-November.
 I highly recommend a quick trip to all the locals before it gets cold.  The
highlights were the Columella Hairstreak and the Common Mestra.  (Hadnt seen
one of those in years)  Below is a list of the others;
Red Admiral
Painted Lady
Black Buckeye
Variagated Fritillary
Gulf Fritillary
Texas Crescent
Nemesis Metal-Mark
Great Purple Hairstreak
Marina Blue
Pygmy Blue
Mexican Sulpher
Orange Sulpher
Sleepy Orange-Eurema nicippe
Lyside Butterfly
Dogface Butterfly
Dainty Yellow
And 4 Unidentified skippers,  2 Duckywings, a checkered Skipper and a small
Gray colored dude.
It was a fine day out.    
    Cheers all,   Bill in Tucson


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