androconia - last try :-)

Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX Norbert.Kondla at
Wed Nov 21 11:53:15 EST 2001

This is my last effort to send the androconia stuff, hope it works this
-from the concise Oxford dictionary of zoology:
"androconial scale - In male Lepidoptera, a wing or body scale that is
modified for the dispersal of a secual scent (pheromone). Glandular cells in
the wing membrane or integument of the body connect with the base of the
scale etc etc. Anroconia may be scattered singly over the surface of the
wing but are sometimes grouped together in tufts"
When these structures are grouped they can be very visible and make it easy
to see if a butterfly is a male or a female, eg. Satyrium titus. Many Oeneis
have 'smudges' of these scales on the dorsal forewing. In other species they
are grouped along the veins. Lotsa variety --

Norbert Kondla  P.Biol., RPBio.
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
845 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 1H3
Phone 250-365-8610
Mailto:Norbert.Kondla at


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