leps on Senecio confusus

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Mon Nov 26 11:34:43 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mikie" <michael_ann at mindspring.com>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 9:34 PM
Subject: For Mr. Gatrelle (and more...)

> Hi everyone,
> I found multitudes of skippers nectaring at a vine I only know as Mexican
> Flaming Daisy.  Thought of Mr. Gatrelle and posted some pics on my
> The URL is:
> http://www.humblewildlife.com/pages/upclose/gatrelle/index.html
> I took one picture of what I think to be a Tropical Checkerspot Skipper -
> the picture isn't very good but maybe someone could confirm.
> Best wishes to all,
> Mikie

Hi Ms Mikie

I wish I could get those Senecio confusus to grow in South Carolina.  They
would make it most of the year - but the all too frequent frosts here on
the coast would do them in most likely.

It looks like a Tropical Checkered (Pyrgus oileus)  to me.  1) The two
spots in the forewing cell - one furthest out is large.  (This spot is
pretty small in P. albescens.)   2) the spot pattern at the base of the
forewing.  3) On the hind wing - in the outer marginal band of spots, the
large size of the uppermost spot next to the forewing.

Your Sleepy Orange does have an interesting shape of the hindwing line.  I
have taken some of my pinned specimens and held them next to the screen at
the same angle as your photo and they look not quite the same.  I don't
know what else that might be though.  My Sleepys are from the east and
perhaps they look a little different in Texas. Florida and Texas Eurema
dina look so different one would think they are different species - both in
markings and in size.



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