Pipevine question

Bob Thomas bthomas at lc3s.com
Mon Nov 26 22:42:03 EST 2001

Did you come across a commercial source for the Pipevine?  I would like to
start some on my property in California and have been looking for a source.



"Marty Germain" <mgermain at tampabay.rr.com> wrote in message
news:AbtM7.122208$Yb.31241957 at typhoon.tampabay.rr.com...
> Hi,
> We planted a pipevine plant, which attracted numerous pipevine butterflies
> this summer and fall.  The caterpillars have long since gone to cocoon and
> hatched. Can we cut back the pipevine plant, without hurting it, since it
> spread far further than we anticipated?  We live in the Clearwater, FL
> Thanks,
> Marty


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