My (partial) subspecific perspective
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Wed Nov 28 10:44:17 EST 2001
To any still interested
I took a section out of a paper I wrote last year and posted it at the
at It is too long for Leps-l
in my opinion. If anyone is interested you can read it there. BUT, I
think you will have to "subscribe" to that group to gain access. One can
always unsubscribe after reading it or choose the "no email" function.
The main reason I posted on human "subspeciation" was to point out that 1)
Yes, by the 75% rule this would qualify as subspecies by that definition
and 2) it is too bad our world is so dominated by social, political and
religious sensitivities that we have to be so "careful" even in the mere
discussion of so many topics. Practically speaking, we would not be able
to justify human "subspecies" or even "pure" races today as spatial human
distribution vanished long ago. We as a species are moving to a homogenous
phenotype. I fully expect that if the world were to be still inhabited by
us in ten thousand years we would all "look" much more alike. (For
religious reasons, I do not think we will be here any where near that long
into the future - as least not as we know "earth" and ourselves today.)
Ron Gatrelle
PS Andy, I still haven't gotten to that FS paper.
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