Coming of Winter

Leptraps at Leptraps at
Fri Oct 5 17:36:10 EDT 2001

Beginning last week, the weather forecast in central Kentucky has foretold 
the coming of a cold front that would bring freezing temperatures. Each day 
the cold front has been delayed due to this high pressure dome, these winds 
aloft or one thing or another. Each day found me setting out light traps, 
checking the remaining bait tarps that I have out. Each day the front was 
delayed brought more and more moths to the light traps and more and more 
butterflies and moths to the bait traps. Last night the light traps were 
absolutely loaded. And when I checked my bait traps this afternoon, they were 
loaded as well. However, there was this chill in the air this morning, the 
one that tells you a change is coming. I know the butterflies and moths could 
tell it's coming.

I visited one of my favorite clover fields today and to my dismay, a large 
sign was erected earlier today announcing the coming of retail stores. I 
spent 2 hours wandering about the field. I collected several nice Colias 
eurytheme females (Some for ova) and some very fresh Pyrgus communis. As the 
afternoon wore on it began to cloud over. I a placed a female Pontia 
protodice (The first for the year) in an envelope, I looked over to the West 
and saw the coming of the dark winter sky. This may be the last time I 
collect in this field, and not because of winter. It was 76 degrees when I 
first walked into the field at 11:30 AM. It was 66 Degrees when I got back to 
my van at 1:45 PM and 52 degrees when I got home at 3PM.

Winter comes.

Leroy C. Koehn
202 Redding Road
Georgetown, Kentucky
USA          40324-2622
Tele.: 502-570-9123
Cell: 502-803-5422
E-mail: Leptraps at

"Let's get among them"
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