Coming of Winter
jjcardinal at
Fri Oct 5 21:07:26 EDT 2001
Reading this made me feel so sad.
Louise Dawson
Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher. ---Wordsworth
>I visited one of my favorite clover fields today and to my dismay, a large
>sign was erected earlier today announcing the coming of retail stores. I
>spent 2 hours wandering about the field. I collected several nice Colias
>eurytheme females (Some for ova) and some very fresh Pyrgus communis. As the
>afternoon wore on it began to cloud over. I a placed a female Pontia
>protodice (The first for the year) in an envelope, I looked over to the West
>and saw the coming of the dark winter sky. This may be the last time I
>collect in this field, and not because of winter. It was 76 degrees when I
>first walked into the field at 11:30 AM. It was 66 Degrees when I got back to
>my van at 1:45 PM and 52 degrees when I got home at 3PM.
>Winter comes.
>Leroy C. Koehn
>202 Redding Road
>Georgetown, Kentucky
>USA 40324-2622
>Tele.: 502-570-9123
>Cell: 502-803-5422
>E-mail: Leptraps at
>"Let's get among them"
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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>Beginning last week, the weather forecast in central Kentucky has foretold
>the coming of a cold front that would bring freezing temperatures. Each day
>the cold front has been delayed due to this high pressure dome, these winds
>aloft or one thing or another. Each day found me setting out light traps,
>checking the remaining bait tarps that I have out. Each day the front was
>delayed brought more and more moths to the light traps and more and more
>butterflies and moths to the bait traps. Last night the light traps were
>absolutely loaded. And when I checked my bait traps this afternoon, they were
>loaded as well. However, there was this chill in the air this morning, the
>one that tells you a change is coming. I know the butterflies and moths could
>tell it's coming.
>I visited one of my favorite clover fields today and to my dismay, a large
>sign was erected earlier today announcing the coming of retail stores. I
>spent 2 hours wandering about the field. I collected several nice Colias
>eurytheme females (Some for ova) and some very fresh Pyrgus communis. As the
>afternoon wore on it began to cloud over. I a placed a female Pontia
>protodice (The first for the year) in an envelope, I looked over to the West
>and saw the coming of the dark winter sky. This may be the last time I
>collect in this field, and not because of winter. It was 76 degrees when I
>first walked into the field at 11:30 AM. It was 66 Degrees when I got back to
>my van at 1:45 PM and 52 degrees when I got home at 3PM.
>Winter comes.
>Leroy C. Koehn
>202 Redding Road
>Georgetown, Kentucky
>USA 40324-2622
>Tele.: 502-570-9123
>Cell: 502-803-5422
>E-mail: Leptraps at
>"Let's get among them"
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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