naptha ruins metal - ?

Leptraps at Leptraps at
Tue Oct 9 10:33:30 EDT 2001

I must apologize to all and stand corrected. I used naphtha as a general term for all products that are naphtha based. Naphthalene crystals are corrosive and with prolonged use, will damage steel.

I was employed for many years with the Interior Steel Equipment Co. and one the the products that they manufactured we steel storage cainets for museums (Air tight & light tight). To prevent the problem of Naphthalene Crystals damaging cabinets, a small metal pocket was produced with stainless steel and a magnetic strip backing to allow it to attach to CR steel doors. However, even after 40 years of use, any exposed or unprotected CR metal surface could be effected.


Leroy Koehn
Georgetown, KY


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