On-line Season Summary Records Updated

James and Margaret Tuttle jtuttle at theriver.com
Tue Oct 16 23:17:49 EDT 2001

The 'on-line' Season Summary, which is available through The 
Lepidopterists' Society homepage (www.furman.edu/~snyder/snyder/lep/), 
has just undergone its annual update. The Season Summary is an annual 
compilation of distribution records, flight season data, and biological 
field observations of Lepidoptera in Canada, Mexico, and the United 
States. First automated in 1995, the database contains all records 
submitted since that time, and all Saturniidae and Sphingidae records 
since 1971.

	While the Lepidopterists' Society would certainly encourage the 
application of new members, the database is available to anyone with an 
interest in Lepidoptera. When used as a pointer system, the database can 
be useful for the butterfly watcher or amateur collector in planning a 
trip as well as the professional conducting research. Records are 
reviewed by Zone Coordinators, who are familiar with the Lepidoptera of 
their region, and are based upon voucher specimens or confirmed photographs.

Searches can be customized to search by taxon (as examples).........................

All Sphingidae records from a country (i.e., Canada)
All Papilio species from a single state or province (i.e., Tamaulipas or 
All Automeris io records from a single county (i.e., Cameron County, Texas)

	*** Each search, as listed above, can then be further refined to include 
only those records for a given month. As example #1a, all Sphingidae 
records from Canada for the month of July.

Searches can also be customized to search by locality (as examples)................

All Alberta butterfly records
All Pima County, Arizona, Saturniidae records

	*** As with the taxon searches, each search can be further refined to 
include only a given month. As example #5a, all Pima County, Arizona, 
Saturniidae records for the month of August.

  	Take a look at this exciting tool. The value of the automated Season 
Summary will only continue to grow as new data is added every year. It 
is a great opportunity for everyone to contribute to the science of 
lepidopterology. Any questions regarding the "on-line" Season Summary 
should be directed to Jim Tuttle at (jtuttle at theriver.com) Information 
about joining The Lepidopterists' Society can be obtained on the homepage.


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