Introduction to list

Neil Jones Neil at
Thu Oct 18 11:16:47 EDT 2001

On 16 Oct, in article <3BCCC428.978E135B at>
     burro at wrote:

> Hi -
> My name is May Lenzer.  I live in the Florida panhandle at the edge of
> Deer Point Lake, a cypress swamp and have a more-than-passing fancy with
> butterflies and moths.  I'm an amateur naturalist, and also a writer
> with a soon-to-be released book.  Combining the two seems to be "what I
> do".
> I am wondering if it is appropriate to post photos to this list.  I am
> often stumped with identifications, mostly with caterpillars, and every
> day is a learning experience.
> Please visit my website.  This month there are a lot of butterflies...
> May

Several people have objected to the posting of images to the list.
The reasons given are valid and the usual position taken on these things.
However there is another technical reason that is not always evident
to users of Leps-L. Leps-L is a very unusual list in that it is gated
to the usenet newsgroup Many Leps-L
users do not realise this. I actually pick up BOTH becuase there
are advantages to me in both for my personal archiving and processing.

However on usenet some providers will only relay messages below a certain
size. Posting images therefore has a risk that some people will not get
the messages.

There is are further technical reasons. Some people (Myself included)
have software that is not attachment friendly. Also others refuse to
open attachments because of a perceived risk of aquiring a virus.

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve


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